Friday, September 26, 2008

One Eyed Willie

We don't know what happened but this afternoon we noticed one of Willie's eyes was swollen shut. I've got some eye ointment to put in it, hopefully that will make it better. Cory and Eddie's eyes look terrible because of their allergies. The vet has me giving them benadryl and steroids for their allergies but its not working as well as it has in years past. The vet doesn't even want Eddie to be on steroids unless its absolutely necessary because his seizure medication along with the steroids can be hard on his liver. Our poor dogs look and feel awful. The neighbors are probably going to turn us in to animal control thinking we abuse our dogs.

One Eyed Willie

Miserable Eddie looks like he has two black eyes


Meredith said...

You have such sickly dogs...what's up with that? :)

Shelley Caskey said...

Well Willie's eye looks fine today. Cory and Eddie developed allergies after we moved to this house. I guess thats what you get when you pay a bunch of money for pure breed dogs-ha-ha.