Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just Talking to Willie

(Press play button to see video)

Naked Baby

Sometimes I wonder why I bother dressing my child?

He starts off cute and clothed.

5 min after getting dressed we're naked again.


Explosive diaper and spit up, need I say more?

A mother can only handle so much laundry.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chiefs Finally Win One!

Well today we watched the Chiefs finally win a game. We were very excited to see them win, it's been a while. We also watched parts of other games. We are getting more into watching other teams play now because this is Brandon's first year of having a fantasy football team. Here is a picture I found.

Our Baby Maybe said Mama

Well we have a couple of possible "Mamas" coming from Max. The first time I heard him say it was at home yesterday. He was jumping in his jumperoo and starting to get fussy before his nap. I thought I heard him say Mama but no one else was home so I just figured it was just me thinking he said it. I didn't tell anyone since I wasn't for sure he said it. When I went to pick him up from my parents house today my mom informed me that both her and my father heard him say it too! Brandon is a little disappointed, not because he didn't say Dada first but because he wanted his first words to be Lawn-Corps. I told him that Lawn-Corps might be a little hard for him to say being so young in all-Ha Ha.

Max's Favorite Spoon

For those who don't have babies this blog might seem silly but for those of you that have babies listen up. I have found a spoon that Max eats well with. When I say "well" I mean this spoon leaves us with the least amount of mess to clean up. We were given this spoon from Marisa and Bryan (relatives of Brandon's) and were told she loved using this spoon for her kids. It is so nice & cute I hated to actually use it but I figured that's what it was made for. He just seems to like this spoon better than his other spoons. I will post the website for anyone interested. Max has the Buck a Roo spoon but there are many to choose from.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Old Fall Pictures of Brandon

Here are some Fall pictures of Brandon when he was younger.

One Eyed Willie Update

The ointment must have helped because Willie's eye looks much better today.

My Biting Boy

I guess I should have ordered Max a vampire costume for Halloween instead of a sweet little lion outfit because somebody has decided he's a biter. Max has bit me several times while nursing the last two days. Thank goodness he doesn't have teeth yet. I don't even know if its called biting when they don't have teeth yet but he is clamping down and pulling back like he is trying to take something with him. I know I probably just made every woman reading this grab and guard their own breasts in fear but don't worry he's only after me. Whenever he does it I just say OUCH! STOP! loudly, but now he thinks its funny and giggles when I yell out in pain. My little vicious vampire is going to have to shape up or say bye bye to these boobs. Mr. Medela (my breast pump) never bites me so I have no trouble using it all of the time. Any suggestions please leave a comment. My sore girls can't take much more. Sorry if this is more information than you needed to know but I am used to working with nurses and we don't keep much private or use our filters very well.

Friday, September 26, 2008

One Eyed Willie

We don't know what happened but this afternoon we noticed one of Willie's eyes was swollen shut. I've got some eye ointment to put in it, hopefully that will make it better. Cory and Eddie's eyes look terrible because of their allergies. The vet has me giving them benadryl and steroids for their allergies but its not working as well as it has in years past. The vet doesn't even want Eddie to be on steroids unless its absolutely necessary because his seizure medication along with the steroids can be hard on his liver. Our poor dogs look and feel awful. The neighbors are probably going to turn us in to animal control thinking we abuse our dogs.

One Eyed Willie

Miserable Eddie looks like he has two black eyes

Max's Halloween Costume Ordered

Max's first Halloween costume has been ordered. It is out of stock but hopefully they will be getting more in by the first week of Oct. Here is a picture of the costume. (Pic is not of Max but this baby is just as cute).

Talking Like Crazy Aunt Jenee'

Max now likes to talk in a really high pitch voice.
We call it his "Crazy Aunt Jenee' Voice".
Sorry for the TV being on in the background.
(Press the play button to watch the video)

Pumpkins From Grandma Sue Sue

Today when Dad got home from work he gave me some pumpkins my Grandma Sue Sue got for me. He also gave my mom some chocolate and peanut covered pretzel sticks that Grandma made for us. Mom said I am still to little to eat them but I think she just wanted them all to herself. Mom said they were delicious! She of course made me pose with my first pumpkins. I am laying on a blanket that Brandy (one of the nurses my mom works with) made me. Thanks Brandy and Grandma Sue Sue!

We're Sick

Mom and I have been sick with fevers and respiratory symptoms for a few days now. Wednesday night my sweet Aunt Jenee watched me overnight so my mom could get some rest. Yesterday we stayed in bed most of the day. We did get out of bed long enough to watch the season opener of Grey's Anatomy. I wore my Future McDreamy onesie my Grandma Sue Sue got me. Mom will take pics of me in it when she is feeling better. It looks like it is going to be a good season. Dad is worried we are going to give him our germs-ha ha. Hopefully we will get better soon and hopefully Dad won't get sick. If Dad gets sick we're in trouble because when he is sick he is a bigger baby than me.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Disappointed Chiefs Fans

My boys look good but the Chiefs still look bad.

We started out hopeful we might win.

I got tired of watching the Chiefs struggle so I took a nap.

I was sad to find out we lost again.

Aunt Jenee's Turn to Feed Me

Here are some pics of my "crazy" Aunt Jenee' feeding me cereal.

Eww. Wait I don't think I like this.


Maybe if I give her sweet eyes she'll give me something better to eat.

Yeah, she fell for it. She loves me and
I love my Aunt Jenee' .

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cereal Time

(Press the play button to watch the video)

I'm not so sure about this stuff, it's kind of yucky.

Mom said sorry her arm is in my way in the video.

She needs to stay out of my light. Doesn't she know I'm the star?

4 Month Checkup

I went for my 4 month checkup on Friday. Dr. Graham say I am doing well and can start on cereal! It's a good thing because I have been extra hungry lately. I had to get a few shots and they hurt bad. I was still crying when we got to the car. I weighed 15lbs 6oz and am 25.5 inches long. After we left the doctor mom and I went shopping for her a new outfit at Kohls. She is going to a wedding on Saturday and needed something to wear. I am going to stay the night at my Grandma Laura's and Papa Bill's tomorrow so my parents can go to Ryan and Hayley's wedding.

Monday, September 15, 2008

4 Months !

Hey guess who's already 4months old. You guessed it it's me!

No I didn't stick my finger in an outlet.

I'm just suprised I'm already 4 months old.

Sweet and sleepy at 3 months.

Laughing and loveable at 2 months

I turned 1 month old on fathers day.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's positive

Don't worry we are not pregnant again. One year ago we found out we were pregnant with Max. I tried to take a picture of the pregnancy test but I didn't do a very god job. I was so excited and Brandon was surprised and tired. I woke him up at 3:00am to tell him the news after taking a test. (Since I work nights I often have trouble sleeping, hints why I was taking a pregnancy test at 3:00am). The first people we told were are parents and they we thrilled. Its seems just like just yesterday we found out we were going to be parents. I can't believe he is going to be 4 months old tomorrow.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tummy Time

Every time I turn around people are putting me on my tummy on the floor. Apparently this is suppose to be good for babies. Sometimes I like it but other times I get very irritated. Here are some pictures of me during tummy time. Hope you enjoy.

Sometimes I like to blow bubbles when I get bored.
Like my hair? Hey I might be balding but I'm still rocking my mohawk.

Hey! How's it going? Yeah they still have me here on my belly.

Err! Alright I have just about enough of this tummy time stuff.

Tummy time is over. Hey this might not be a flattering picture but I'm beat. This tummy time and rolling over stuff if tough work.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Max and his furry little brothers

Everyone always asks me how the dogs have adjusted to Max. I think people were a little worried how are furry babies would react when they weren't the center of our worlds anymore. Well, all have them have adjusted well for the most part. Willie occasionally forgets he shouldn't walk on the baby to get to his spot on the couch. We have had a few shredded poopy diapers and I am pretty sure its a good thing Willie threw up the the diaper gel he ate because it's probably not that good on the digestive tract. Willie has also decided that since Max isn't potty trained he shouldn't have to be either. He now likes to potty and poop in Max's room. I think somebody needs a little attention. Unfortunately the not so sweet attention he is getting from Brandon after he poops on the floor is probably not what he has in mind. Overall though they have done extremely well with the new edition to our family. It won't be long until he is chasing them around, pulling their hair, and trying to eat out of their food bowls. Hopefully their love and patience will continue and Willie's potty training will improve. Here are some pictures of Max with his furry little brothers.

The only things that could be on these hands is my
saliva or mom's milk.
Don't they feed these dogs?

I"m in big trouble when they start feeding me real food.

This little guy is never going to leave me alone.

There shouldn't be anything down there to eat.

Now, stop that tickles.

Yeah that's my bud Eddie. He's got my back.

If that little Willie messes with

me anymore I'm gonna just let Eddie take care of him.

Sleeping buddies.

My Little Bumbo Boy

Here are some pictures of Max in his Bumbo chair.

Woo! It's like being on a ride!

Now, lets discuss this.

This would be the proper way one should sit in a bumbo seat.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Grandma Sue's knitting invention

Brandon's Grandma Sue has a developed a unique system so she won't lose or mess up her ball of yarn when knitting. She keeps her ball of yarn in a 2 liter pop bottle. This might be something other knitters have seen before but it's a first for me so I thought I would share it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Max moves to his big boy crib

(This picture was actually taken when he was 1wk old,
probably the only other time he was in his crib).

Last night was Max's first night in his crib. He has been sleeping in his bassinet in our room for the past few months. We knew we would have to move him to his crib soon because he is getting to big for his bassinet. Well, I found out last night at work his bassinet got recalled recently related to the fact it has caused 2 deaths from babies getting stuck between the two bars. So, I called Brandon from work and told him Max was going to have to sleep in his crib. We have a video monitor so its really not a big deal but we're new parents so him moving to his own room seems like a big deal. Well he made it through the night in his new crib and hopefully he liked it because we are returning his bassinet. These pictures of him in his bassinet I took last week prior to knowing about the recall. My friend Julie from work told me to get pictures of him in his bassinet before he looked to big for it. Sorry, Julie he looks pretty big in it. I guess I waited too long.

Here is a picture of how the babies got caught between the bars. Please let people you know that have babies about this recall. It is a very popular bassinet. The recall is for the Simplicity 3-in-1 and 4-in-1.